“Allahumma Inna Nasta Inuka” is a powerful dua which is recited to seek Allah’s help and assistance. This prayer is also known as Dua e-Qunoot or Dua Qunoot. The phrase translates to “O Allah, we seek your help.” This dua is commonly recited during times of distress, hardship, or when facing any difficulty. Here you will find “Allahumma Inna Nasta Inuka” PDF, English Transliteration and English Translation.
The term “Qunoot” is derived from the Arabic word “Qanata,” which means to stand or to remain standing. Therefore, Dua e Qunoot is recited while standing during the last rak’ah of the Witr prayer.
There are two versions of the Dua e Qunoot:
1. “Qunoot-e-Nazila” and
2. “Qunoot-e-Witr.”
Dua Qunoot-e-Nazila (Hanafi)
The Dua e Qunoot (Hanafi) Qunoot-e-Nazila recited in the Witr prayer, begins with “Allahumma Inna Nasta inuka”. You can also recite it during times of calamity or distress, such as during a natural disaster, war, or any other difficult situation. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recited this dua during times of distress.
Allahumma Inna Nasta Inuka Arabic | Dua Qunoot-e-Nazila (Hanafi)
English Transliteration
Read Also: Download and Read The Last Two Ayat of Surah Baqarah
English Translation
“Allahumma Inna Nasta Inuka full mp3”
Allahumma Inna Nasta Inuka PDF | दुआ ए कुनूत PDF| Dua Qunoot Transliteration PDF
Watch the Video to Memorise Dua e Qunoot
Allahumahdini Fiman Hadait | Dua e Qunoot Shafi Transliteration & English Translation
Qunoot-e-Witr begins with “Allahumahdini Fiman Hadait“.
Allahumahdini Fiman Hadait Arabic | Dua Qunoot-e-Nazila (Hanafi)
English Transliteration
English Translation
Allahumahdini Fiman Hadait PDF
“Allahummahdini fiman Hadait full mp3”
By Shaikh Maher Al Muaiqly
Dua e Qunoot Benefits
- Dua e Qunoot has numerous benefits. Recite Dua Qunoot to seek Allah (SWT) blessings, majorly :
- It is a powerful tool for seeking Allah’s protection and guidance. By reciting this supplication, we acknowledge our dependence on Allah and seek His help and support.
- It is a means of seeking forgiveness from Allah. It helps us to repent for our sins and seek Allah’s mercy and forgiveness. By reciting this supplication, we renew our commitment to follow the straight path and seek Allah’s pleasure.
- It is also a means of seeking blessings from Allah. By reciting this supplication, we ask Allah to bless us, our families, and our ummah. It is a way of seeking Allah’s favor and mercy in all aspects of our lives.
What is the Ruling for Allahumma Inna Nasta Inuka?
Listen & Memorise with The Help of This Video:
In conclusion, the recitation of “Allahumma Inna Nasta Inuka” holds great importance during the Witr prayer. It serves as a means to seek Allah’s protection, guidance, and forgiveness in times of hardship. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) recited this supplication frequently, and Muslims today continue to recite it, aiming to deepen their connection with Allah and seek His merciful blessings.